Consider being a monthly sponsor!
Rescuing abandoned horses is a labor of love. When we take in a distressed horse, we never know if he or she will need extensive veterinary care, special shoeing every six weeks, or a unique diet. Every equine needs hay and grain twice daily, regular vet visits, clean bedding that is maintained every day (horses poop 12-16 times a day!), and so much more! Regular support that we can depend on is a gift for all of us!
Our monthly operating costs
Ranch rent $8000
Electricity $800
Insurance $200
Truck rental $1200
Dump/garbage $150
Tools, construction materials, buckets, tack, etc. $350
Miscellaneous expenses ???
Average monthly cost per horse
Hay $300
Grain $200
Bedding (stall shavings) $180
Cleaning of stalls and pastures (volunteers help!!!) $180
Vet bills $250
Farrier (shoeing, hoof trimming) $120